Victim Services
All victims, or anyone needing information concerning victim issues should contact:
Leticia Newton, Victims’ Advocate
(270) 789-6802 or via email at [email protected]
Victim Notification Request – Marsy’s Law – Click Here
Crime Victim Documents
(Click the the document name to open in PDF format)
Crime Victims Compensation Application – Click HERE
Kentucky’s Crime Victims Compensation Board assists well in excess of 1,000 victims per year. This assistance is in the form of direct payments to medical providers, funeral homes, mental health professionals, or reimbursements for these types of expenses incurred by victims or those legally responsible for those expenses.
Kentucky Bill of Rights Handbook – Click HERE
Want to know what your rights are as a crime victim in Kentucky? The Office of the Attorney General is providing this handbook to you so that you can be educated on the role and responsibility of the local law enforcement, prosecutor, victim advocate, defense attorney, and Attorney General’s Office.
Victim Impact Statement- Click HERE
The Victim Impact Statement allows you to tell the court the effect this crime has had on you, your family, and those close to you. If the defendant pleads or is found guilty, your statement will help the judge understand what the impact of this crime has been on you, your family and those close to you. While you have the right to fill out a statement, you do not have to fill out a statement if it will make you feel uncomfortable in any way. Filling out the victim impact statement is voluntary. If you decide to complete the statement, please submit it to the 11th Judicial Circuit’s Victims’ Advocate, Leticia Newton as indicated at the bottom of the form.

Contact Us
Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
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